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Environmedica Cartilage Collagen is produced from nutritious parts of the animal, including the trachea, scapula, and other cartilaginous-rich parts.


Most modern-day commercial "collagen" is produced from hides, hooves, and horns that are otherwise inedible.


As such, they are highly processed with high heat, bleaching, degreasing agents, and acids and are far removed from anything resembling real collagen.


This Grass-Fed Collagen is produced from the non-denatured cartilaginous parts of the animal's innards (bovine), including the trachea, scapula, and other cartilaginous-rich parts.


As such, the collagen remains in a whole food matrix. In addition to the typical amino acids you expect to see in collagen, it is teeming with other beneficial compounds not found in traditional "collagen" powders.


In addition, most "collagen" powders come from Brazil, where the rainforest is being destroyed for cattle farming.


Check out our blog, Collagen Making The Ethical Choice, to learn more about the problems with most collagen production.


Cartilage collagen contains type two collagen, chondroitin sulfate, glycosaminoglycans, and proteoglycans, which help to support healthy joints.


Free of synthetic hormones and antibiotics.


Enviromedica Cartilage Collagen is sourced exclusively from grass-fed and finished livestock raised on beautiful green pastures in New Zealand. New Zealand has strict animal husbandry practices and agricultural biosecurity in place to protect both animals and food production.


It is gently freeze dried to protect important nutrients and compounds.


Suggested Use: Take six capsules per day with or without food or as recommended by your healthcare professional.


If you are pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare practitioner before use.


FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Enviromedica Cartilage Collagen - 180 caps

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