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We get asked all the time what brand of this is good or what brand of that I should buy at the store.
We took all of those questions and put them into this shopping guide. Now it's easy to know that the products you buy are not made my huge corporations, but people who actually care.
This shopping guide is near and dear to our hearts.
We've long wanted a place to lay out our "best of the best!"
To make this list, the companies that we chose needed to maintain integrity with the products.
We, at Rooted Nutrition, believe in a fair wage and treatment for all workers around the world and will happily support companies that believe the same.
This is a living list, meaning it may change as companies are added, or sadly, taken away if they decide to change from our standards.
We hope you enjoy it!
After purchase, you will be emailed a link to the shopping guide.*
*You must have a Gmail account in order to view the shopping guide.
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