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Nose To Tail Center

Organ Stacks

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The most nutrient-dense supplements on the planet.

The right organ stack can help you achieve your goals and deeply nourish your health foundation!

cows drinking from a stream
herd of cows in a field


Each of these unique stacks excel at nourishing your body.

You won't find more complete or nutrient-dense stacks anywhere.

Skip the synthetic and fake whole-food multivitamins and get the organ train!

NXGEN Wholefoods cow and bull stack

The Cow & Bull Stack provides a blend of organs that powerfully supports every facet of your health. This stack is perfect for those that feel that health is not where it should be and want to begin rebuilding it.


  • Histamine & Immune - (liver, kidney, spleen, lung, thymus)

  • Bone Marrow & Liver - (marrow and liver )

  • Gut & Digestion (liver, pancreas, spleen, intestine & tripe stomach)

  • Beef Organs  - (liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, spleen, lung, thymus, intestine, tripe stomach, marrow)

NXGEN Wholefoods Immune Stack

The NXGEN Immune Stack helps to nourish and feed your immune system.

This stack also makes a great digestive and histamine supporting pack.

NXGEN Wholefoods Iron Stack

The NXGEN Iron Stack contains a blend of foods that support healthy iron levels.


Whole Blood aids the increase in red blood cell count to transport heme iron throughout the body.


Whole  Blood also contains valuable bioavailable heme iron and other nutrients to support iron deficiency. Some of the vitamins in black pudding include vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K. It also includes Folate, Riboflavin, Niacin, Choline, and even Betaine. These vitamins effectively offer health benefits to the body, which can boost your health and energy. It also contains different minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and all other minerals the body needs.


Liver, while being the most nourishing food on the planet, happens to contain bioavailable heme iron, along with the right quantity of vitamin A and copper needed to convert and move Fe++ stored in cells to Fe+++ for the iron mobilization cycle to work effectively.  Vitamin A helps to activate copper, and copper helps to activate iron to move it from the cells into the blood, where it's needed. The red blood cells carry it around the body.


Spleen provides the most bioavailable heme iron of all foods. 


This stack does not cause constipation or the other side effects that traditionally come with iron supplements.


The NXGEN Perimenopause Support Stack helps to maintain healthy female hormone balance and well-being.

Whole Bone Matrix provides minerals, peptides, and growth factors. It contains calcium in the microcrystalline hydroxyapatite form.

Critically it contains bioavailable calcium and phosphorus in the optimum 2:1 ratio.

Bone Marrow & Liver makes a fantastic addition to the stack of supplements.


It contains red and yellow bone marrow to support cell and tissue health throughout the body. It also includes the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, alkylglycerols, adiponectin, hormones, growth factors, peptides, and other micronutrients.

Fem Harmony contains bovine ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, liver, and kidney. This combination supplies important tissue-specific nutrients, proteins, and peptides—like activin, inhibin, and follistatin. It also contains vitamins A, D, E, and K2, collagen peptides, and growth factors VEGF and bFGF. 


Fem Harmony provides foundational nutrition for optimal female health at any stage of life, especially during perimenopause when the body needs extra support.

NXGEN Wholefoods Prenatal Stack

The NXGEN Prenatal Stack is perfect for expecting mothers and those looking to conceive.


It provides valuable nourishment not found in most modern diets.


This stack helps to give mom and baby the nutrients they need in their most bioavailable  forms.

Gentle on the stomach and easy to digest.

Check out our blog to learn more about choosing an iron supplement.

Are you unsure what organ stack might be best for you?

It's easy to schedule a free call and get some answers. Just click the book now button to your right!

field of grass by a lake

Organ Stacks are the perfect whole-food way to start your journey to better health!


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