We had such an overwhelming response to our scariest advice blog that we decided to do part two. We were flooded with questions that people had about various recommendations being given online. While we are not able to get to all of them in articles like this, here are five that really stood out. We wanted to address the ones that seemed most dangerous to us.
Terrible health advice

Are hydrogen peroxide enemas safe?
I know you talked about the dangers of nebulizing hydrogen peroxide, but what hydrogen peroxide enemas?
Way back in the day (when your parents walked both ways, uphill, in the snow to school), hydrogen peroxide enemas were used to “treat” fecal impaction, blockages, constipation, and many other things. They are making a comeback, with proponents saying they can get rid of yeast, parasites, worms, toxic colon buildup, and much more. Hydrogen peroxide enemas are actually quite dangerous and will not cure any of those things. They can cause chemical rectal burns, chemical colitis, bowel perforation, bloody diarrhea (please note this is not your body expelling toxins, as one website claimed it was), colon rupture, and in the worst cases, necrosis of colon tissue. In addition, this will not make your gut microbiome healthier; it will actually kill off a lot of your good bacteria. Here are a few references as to why you should not use hydrogen peroxide enemas: 1,2,3.
Is taking antibiotics or medications sold for fish at the pet store and online Safe?
Pet stores often sell antibiotics and other medications, for use in fish tanks such as tetracycline, amoxicillin, and many more. These are used to clear up infections that fish get. While they may have the same or similar names as medications your doctor may prescribe, they are often in different forms and dosages that could make it easy to overdose and get very sick. In addition, quality control is often lacking in these over-the-counter pet products, and they could contain dangerous impurities or additives that could make you very sick. Overusing medications meant for fish can lead to antibiotic resistance and infections that could worsen from taking the wrong medication. Different infections respond to different antibiotics; your doctor is the best person to help you know which antibiotic you should take. You should only take antibiotics that are prescribed to you by your doctor, in the dosages and frequency that they wrote the prescription for. Please do not take fish pills. Here are a few references on why you should not take fish medication: 1,2. Unfortunately, too many people are using these because they cannot afford to go to the doctor and pay for the medications, which is just another indication of how horrible our healthcare system is. No one should have to resort to questionable medications and treatments because they do not have access to healthcare.
Are tapeworms a safe way to lose weight?
So I admit I was a bit surprised at this one, but after looking into it, the tapeworm diet is actually making quite the comeback. I get it; losing weight is not easy, and the hope for a quick fix will never end. I just don’t think tapeworms are really the way to go. While tapeworms are illegal to sell in the United States, many online vendors will ship them in from outside the country.
Tapeworm infections can cause:
Abdominal Pain
Vitamin Deficiencies
Gut lining damage
And so much more
I never thought I would have to say this, but please do not eat tapeworms to lose weight or for any other reason. Just FYI, tapeworms can get up to 30 feet long. Imagine having a worm that size in your body! In case you want to read for yourself, here are some references on why you should not give yourself a tapeworm: 1,2,3.
Is it ok to put essential oils directly on your skin?
Unfortunately, certain essential oil company distributors often tell people to put them directly on their skin. This is terrible advice. Some companies claim that their essential oils are “therapeutic-grade, " making them safe to put directly on the skin. As I have said previously, there is no regulation of the term “therapeutic-grade,” and any company can put it on their oils. It does not indicate purity, safety, or effectiveness ;it is just a marketing term. No matter how pure an essential oil is, it should never be put directly on the skin. Essential oils should always be diluted before use. Putting essential oils directly on the skin can cause burns, redness, itching, hives, contact dermatitis, and swelling of the skin. In addition, using lots of undiluted essential oils can result in photosensitivity, liver, nervous system, kidney problems, and much more. While a localized reaction on the skin is easy to spot, internal problems related to absorbing too many essential oils through the skin often take some time to notice. Essential oils have many wonderful properties, but please do not ingest them or put them undiluted on the skin. Here is a great article on why you should not put them directly on your skin.
Does cocaine help with COVID-19 symptoms?
I thought we would end on a funny one. A client of ours from South America sent this to me; he thought I might enjoy it, and he was right.
He told us that a lot of people have been saying that cocaine is very effective in helping to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The theory is that it would sterilize the nostrils, preventing the virus from spreading and replicating. Now I get it: cocaine smells really great, but I’m guessing it’s not going to be an effective COVID-19 preventative or treatment.
Questions and support about online health advice
If you have questions about health advice you see online, email us at info@rooted-nutrition.com, and our superstar staff will be happy to help!