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highland cow

Nose To Tail Center

Good for the planet

cows in a field


Regenerative organ supplements benefit people and the planet

cows drinking water out of a stream
highland cow in a field


Foods produced using true regenerative agriculture are best for the planet and your health.

This is especially true when it comes to meat.

drought and climate change


Factory farmed meat and meat produced by cutting down the rainforest and other forest land is a very large contributor to climate change. 

Meat produced using regenerative agriculture provides a way for people to get the nutrition they need without the damaging effects that come from factory farming.0

top soil


Healthy food starts with healthy soil. Current farming practices have caused a massive loss of topsoil. 

Good soil helps to sequester large amounts of greenhouse gasses.


This loss of topsoil is causing massive amounts of greenhouse gasses to be released into the atmosphere.

True regenerative agriculture helps to rebuild, deep rich topsoil, which in turn creates more nourishing food and traps huge amounts of greenhouse gases in the soil.

Check out the PDF below to learn how regenerative agriculture improves the soil and sequesters carbon.

tractor spraying pesticides


True regenerative agriculture eschews the usage of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. 

As the soil and land get healthier there is less and less need for these inputs that harm the environment and workers who apply them and are exposed to them while harvesting.

True regenerative agriculture uses far less "natural" pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides than traditional corporate "organic", as well because healthier soil and farming practices mean the plants and animals are healthier and more resistant to pests.

This is how it should be.

truck spreading fertilizer


While traditional farming relies heavily on fertilizers and inputs made from petrochemicals, true regenerative agriculture relies on things like manure and farm trimmings to fertilize the soil.

As cows, sheep, buffalo, goats, and other ruminants feed across the land they naturally fertilize the ground as they go.


Chickens often go behind eating bugs, and other partially digested food matter, while adding in their own fertilizer.

This is one of the ways land has always been nourished, with large ruminants going across large open pastures and grasslands.

Sheeps on pasture


Rotational grazing and growing are an important part of regenerative agriculture.

Ensuring that different crops and animals are grazed and grown on different land is important to ensure that soil is adequately nourished.

Resting pastures for a year or more in between growing crops helps the soil to rest and rejuvenate.

sheep and a cow


Variety is essential for healthy farming.

Growing a variety of crops and having a variety of grazing animals is the best way to create healthy soil.

This variety reduces pests, improves soil health, improves plant and animal health, and reduces the need for synthetic inputs like pesticides, and petrochemical-based fertilizers, which helps to improve the environment.

This variety also helps to protect surrounding waterways by reducing runoff.

tractor tilling a field


Reducing tillage has several benefits to improving the health of the soil.

It makes the soil more resistant to erosion, preserves the soil's natural structure, builds soil matter, helps the soil to hold moisture better, reduces runoff, and reduces the amount of labor needed.

Australian Outback


True regenerative farming is the only way that we can feed a growing population, give the animals on the farm a better life, protect the environment, and make things better for the people working on those farms.

If we do not change the way we farm, the world is in for a dark and bleak future.

We have a choice to make. Hopefully, we make the right one.

To learn more about regenerative farming, check out the Rodale Institute.

highland cow


NXGEN organ supplements are produced using regenerative agriculture in the Lake Eyre region of Australia. This is incredibly important to us. We want to be part of the future of farming and help create a better life for farmers and laborers around the world.

Are you unsure what organ might be best for you?

It's easy to schedule a free call and get some answers. Just click the book now button to your right!

field of grass by a lake

Regenerative agriculture is the way forward. Supporting farms while they transition to this model will be key to a healthier future for us and the planet.

Foundational Nourishment Shop

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